Finally got to serve on an actual jury. Of course, they don't let you take cameras into the court room, but, I did get the chance to ride the light rail for a week.
I usually consider myself a portrait photographer. Not that I'm especially good at it or anything, it's just something I enjoy. But of course, there's so much more out there.
It's supposed to be some popular restaurant in Taiwan, but, they just opened one here, so, we had to try it out. It's popular because it's so good, but, maybe it's not so good because it's so popular.
It's like kids are genetically engrained to climb stuff. I mean, he just started crawling--I just stuck him in front of the stairs, next thing you know, he climbed two flights!
It's not so much that we wanted a girl or anything, it's just that if the coin flipped the other way or something, we think he'd be so cute. Of course, when he's a teenager, I'm sure he'll never live it down.
Kind of like a regular pancake, but, put all the batter in a pan, heat it up on the stove 'til it bubbles, and then stick the whole thing in the oven. Voila, ghetto souffle.
You wonder why they make children's toys in such bright colors. They really do prefer them. That's great, because they have way more curiosity than a village can supply.